A Bridge From One Place to Another — What I Discovered in Art TherapyNot long ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to attend a mental health support group with an art therapy component.Jun 8, 2023Jun 8, 2023
A New Chapter in Parenting: Teen Drivers, Trust and Sleepless NightsWhen it comes to raising teenagers, you can do everything right. And yet, everything can still go terribly wrong.Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
Take the medicine. Don’t be a hero.I was 11 years old, recovering from oral surgery. I learned I was no hero when pain was involved.Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
The Sweet Elixir of St. Joseph Baby AspirinMy earliest memory of pain is a headache. But not the pain of the headache—the St. Joseph baby aspirin with the toy soldier on the box.Sep 16, 2022Sep 16, 2022
The Pain DiariesThis new series includes self-reflective writings and stories about my journey with physical and emotional pain.Sep 15, 20221Sep 15, 20221
Swiping Right on MyselfWhy is it so difficult to believe a woman can be happy alone? Where does it say that living your best life should include a partner?May 12, 2022May 12, 2022
Mourning the Version of Myself I’ll Never MeetIt’s not regret, but mourning … of the idea of a life, of the version of Leah Singer I’ll never know. The life I’ll never have.Mar 14, 20223Mar 14, 20223
My Day One: The Day I Ended My MarriageI knew my Day One would be terrible, but I also knew it wouldn’t be a mistake.Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
Should I Send a Family Holiday Card During a Divorce?The internet is full of resources on co-parenting and dividing marital property, but no advice on how to handle the family holiday card.Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
The Slow and Steady Unravelling of a MarriageMy marriage did not end because of one really bad thing. It was years of the same steady simmer or issues until it finally boiled over.Nov 18, 202115Nov 18, 202115